viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

2023 (V 19/6/2020) Varios

Rosa María Sardá lega a los gobernantes un bono de butifarras.

Expertos en Derecho Constitucional, asesores del Gobierno, dictaminan que el rey emérito goza de inviolabilidad ad aeternum, incluso después de su abdicación, por la sencilla razón de que goza de inviolabilidad ad aeternum, i.e. incluso después de su abdicación. (Sic)

Piedrahita, un completo:
abuelantamiento: adelantamiento de un grupo de abuelas paseantes
bulocidad:  velocidad con la que se difunden las fake news
candemia: abuso de paseos del perro durante el confinamiento por la pandemia
cena-vu: cena reciclada con restos de comidas en la nevera
dañoranza:  echar de menos algo que antes nos molestaba
engorracharse: tomar copas de gorra
fetografía: fotografía en la que salimos horrible
gasturbación: gustirrinín por las propias flatulencias debajo de las sábanas
indetermitente: intermitentes del coche persistentes sin motivo
inmundizarse: abandonarse (camas desechas, en pijama durante todo el día, sin afeitarse, rodeado de inmundicias…) durante el confinamiento por la pandemia
mamasoquismo: maternidad entregada que disfruta con su entrega y sus renuncias
mamparanoia: obsesión por compartimentar con mamparas los interiores de los restaurantes tras el confinamiento
manguantes: ladrón compulsivo de guantes en los supermercados.
pantasía: afán de fabricarse el propio pan en nuestra casa
plandemia: planes en la cuarentena durante la pandemia
tonto’lbulo: propagador de fake news (vide supra bulocidad)
               ... Asesinados por policías:
                  (No es sólo George Floyd)
La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas, niño(a) y primer plano
TRAYVON MARTIN (Walking home with iced tea and Skittles. Shot by George Zinneman, who was found not guilty.)
KEITH SCOTT (Sitting in car, reading. Shot by police officer, who was not charged.)
ATATIANA JEFFERSON (Looking out her window, shot by police officer, who is still under indictment for murder.)
JONATHAN FERRELL (Asking for help after auto accident. Shot twelve times by police, case ended in mistrial.)
JORDAN EDWARDS (Riding in a car. Shot in the back of the head by police officer, who was found guilty of murder.)
STEPHON CLARK (Holdng a cel phone. Shot 8 times, 6 in the back. Officers not charged.)
AMADOU DIALLO (While taking out wallet, officers fired 41 shots by four officers, who were all acquitted.)
RENISHA MCBRIDE (Auto accident, knocked on door for help. Homeowner was found guilty of second-degree murder.)
TAMIR RICE (Playing with toy gun, shot by police officer arriving on scene. Officer was not charged.
SEAN BELL (Hosting a bachelor party, 50 rounds fired by police officers, who were found not guilty of charges.)
WALTER SCOTT (Pulled over for brake light, shot in the back by police officer, who pleaded guilty to civil rights violations.)
PHILANDO CASTILE (Pulled over in car, told officer he had a legally registered weapon in car. Officer acquitted of all charges.)
AIYANA JONES (Sleeping, accidentally shot by officer in a raid on wrong apartment. Officer cleared of all charges.)
TERRENCE CRUTCHER (Disabled vehicle, shot by police officer, who was found not guilty of manslaughter.)
ALTON STERLING (Selling CDs, shot at close range while being arrested. No charges filed.)
FREDDIE GRAY (Beaten to death by officers while being transported in police van. All officers involved were acquitted.)
JOHN CRAWFORD (Shopping at WalMart, holding a BB gun on sale, police officer was not charged.)
MICHAEL BROWN (Shot by twelve times by officer, including in the back. No charges filed.)
JORDAN DAVIS (Killed because he was playing loud music. Shooter found guilty of first-degree murder.)
SANDRA BLAND (Pulled over for traffic ticket, tasered and arrested. Suspicious “suicide” while in jail. No charges.)
BOTHAM JEAN (Shot at home, which police officer mistook for her own. Officer found guilty of murder.)
OSCAR GRANT (Handcuffed and face-down, officer shot him in the back. Officer found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.)
COREY JONES (Waiting by his disabled vehicle, was shot three times by police officer, who was found guilty of murder.)
AHMAUD AUBREY (Jogging, shot by two men who claimed they suspected him of burglaries. Both men charged with murder and aggravated assault” Chyna Smith
and .../...
Breonna Taylor fue asesinada por la policía durante una concentración antirracista en Nueva York.

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